Our study will run for five years. During this period, each young person and their parent or guardian will be asked to complete an age-appropriate questionnaire at five time points – for the first time right after joining the study and then 4 yearly check-ins.
Each participant can decide whether they would like to complete their questionnaire by themselves or guided by one of our researchers. Researchers are able to assist either in person, over the phone or via a secure video call, and questionnaires can be completed either online or on paper. Each questionnaire will take about an hour to complete, and participants are welcome to take breaks whenever needed.

For those participants who are very busy with school exams or work, who would like to stay involved but just do not have the time to go through the full length surveys, we also prepared MINI questionnaires that take about 10-minutes to complete.
LOGiC study questionnaires ask about lots of different things, but questions focus on participants’ gender identity and their wellbeing. Researchers are available at all stages for participants to ask questions or receive guidance. We hope completing the questionnaires is an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for participants, but researchers are on hand if any of the questions are difficult to answer or participants wish to discuss them with someone.
Participants are free to withdraw from the study at any point (without giving reason) if they no longer wish to continue.
What if I decide not to be part of the Gender Identity Development Service once I have started the study?
The LOGIC study is independent from the Gender Identity Development Service and we would still like to hear from you even if you decide not to be part of it. We are interested in the diverse range of experiences of children and young people who experience gender questions or concerns, as well as those who may take a break from seeking professional support.