About the study

Longitudinal Outcomes of Gender Identity in Children (LOGIC) is a longitudinal study exploring the development of gender identity in children and young people aged between 3 and 14 years at the start of the study. Conducted in the UK, the study began in 2019 and is following participating families at multiple time points over a 4-year period.

The primary aim of the LOGIC study is to understand the experiences of families referred to the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS). The study will also seek to understand the care pathways of the children and young people involved and their outcomes over time, whether or not they remain in contact with the GIDS. We hope that our research will provide important new insights that will help children, young people and their families to explore gender identity issues, as well as inform health and education providers.

Funded by the National Institute for Health Research, the LOGIC study is a collaboration between the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust (Dr Eilis Kennedy, Dr Polly Carmichael and Dr Rob Senior), University College London (Prof Michael King, Prof Rumana Omar, Prof Gary Butler and Rachael Hunter), the University of Liverpool (Prof Bridget Young), the University of Cambridge (Prof Simon Baron-Cohen), University College London Hospital and peer researcher Talen Wright.

Find out who you might meet from the research team if you take part in the study on our Meet the Team page.