The following resources, websites and helplines can be accessed by anyone who would like to discuss mental or physical health concerns with a health professional.

Local Help
In an emergency situation
For example, if you think that you might harm yourself (or another person) and feel unable to keep yourself safe – you can go to an Accident and Emergency Department (A&E) where you can access a crisis mental health assessment. If possible, it is recommended you speak to your parent/s or another trusted adult before going to A&E, who ideally will be able to go with you to the hospital. You could also ask for an emergency appointment with your GP.
Your GP
Your GP will be able to provide help and advice and can support you to access appropriate specialist services and organisations.
Call 111
This service is available to anyone who needs medical help fast but it’s NOT a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls from landlines and mobiles are free.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
CAMHS is a term used for the NHS services that work with children and young people. If you are already under a CAMHS team, you should get in contact with them to let them know about how you are feeling. If you are not already under CAMHS, then please contact your GP and request a referral. Local services are in the best place to you in this situation and you will need to let people know that you need their help. Most local CAMHS have a website where you can look up how to get access to their service.

National Help
Childline is a free counselling service, provided by the NSPCC, for children and young people up until their 19th birthday. They deal with any issue which causes stress and concern.
Call 0800 1111
The Samaritans
The Samaritans provide a free and confidential service for people who need someone to talk to.
Call 116 123
Offer free and confidential emotional support to children and young adults by telephone, email and post.
Call 01708 765200
Gender Identity Development Service
There is lots of helpful advice for young people on the Gender Identity Development Service website.
Gender Identity Support Charities
There are a range of national and local support charities that focus on gender identity. If you would like more information regarding these please contact the research team.
If you would like any further information or would like to discuss your involvement in the study, please contact the research team using the ‘Contact us’ tab.