Who is funding this research?
The study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). For more information about the NIHR, you can visit their website at www.nihr.ac.uk.
Are you part of the Gender Identity Development Service?
We are part of the Research and Development Unit at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust. We share a building with the Gender Identity Development Service but we are separate from this. We utilise the referrals to the service to recruit our participants, however we are an independent research team with an independent funder.
The study is in collaboration with research partners at UCL, the Universities of Liverpool and Cambridge, and UCLH.
Can I participate in the research?
The requirements of our study mean we recruit participants from the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) referral list only. This means that unfortunately we cannot accept requests from members of the public to join the study.
Why have I been chosen to take part?
You have been chosen to participate because you were (or are the parent/guardian of someone) between the ages of 3 – 14 years when your referral to the GIDS was accepted, and know what it is like to have questions about your gender identity.
By taking part in our research you will be helping to us to develop a better understanding of other young people like you who want to explore their gender. We are asking lots of families to take part, around 600 altogether. We wish to include people from many different backgrounds and parts of the UK.
Why does the study only include those who were aged 3-14 years when referred to GIDS?
To date, there has not been a lot of research conducted which looks at gender identity development in this age group. By focusing on this group, the researchers intend to address this need and focus on the specific experiences of this group.
What if my circumstances or contact details change during the study?
If your contact details change while you are involved in the study and you think the researchers might not be able to reach you, please let us know using the contact us page. If you are unsure about your participation in the study, please also feel free to speak to us about your concerns. You can also let us know at any time if you would like to discontinue your participation altogether.
What if I decide not to be part of the Gender Identity Development Service once I have started the study?
The LOGIC study is independent from the Gender Identity Development Service. We greatly value your continued participation in the study and very much hope children, young people and families will stay in the study even if they decide withdraw from the Gender Identity Development Service.
Where can I find out about the results of the study?
The results of the study will be made available via articles and publications in the coming years. Check back on this website to learn more about our publications as they come out.
How do I contact you?
Please visit the contact us page for information about how best to contact the research team.
Has this study been ethically approved?
This study has been rigorously reviewed by both the Health Research Authority and the Hampstead Research Ethics Committee and full ethical approval has been granted.